Friday 18 February 2011

Pump dispensers - my enemy

I know many people might find this trivial, but I am waging a war on pump dispensers.  You know what I mean?  The kind that pump out hand cream, soap, oils, hair products.  Well, at least they should  pump them out. 

First hurdle, getting the things to work to start with.  I have wrestled for many unhappy hours, pushing the lid down whilst twisting in the direction indicated by the (almost invisible) arrows, only to be frustrated and resigned to never using the Fenjal bath cream (which smells lovely, if only you could get to it) or whatever it happens to be.

If one is successful at the initial hurdle, invariably the damn thing breaks whilst still almost full.  A breakage is indicated by the inability to pump the stuff out because it all seems to have got stuck.  Or sometimes the tube which carries the stuff to the pump detaches itself.  If only you had unusually skinny fingers, or could manouevre some tongs inside without wanting (again) to kill yourself or others, you could probably re-attach it, but usually this proves impossible, so you are left either taking the entire pump mechanism out and pouring the cream/oil/mousse into your hand (in great globules, most of which gets washed down the sink) or just giving up and crying like a baby.  Or, if you're a little screwed up to start with, jumping off a high bridge/taking a machine gun into the High street and shooting innocent people in a random manner. 

I literally have dozens of bottles sitting uselessly on shelves and chest-of-drawers.  I keep telling myself I will NOT EVER buy another one EVER again, but then they're two for one, or special offer, and the bargain hunter in me relents.

So, my solution is to stop them being made in the first place.  And this would be a good green solution, because they must use a lot more plastic than an ordinary, old fashioned type bottle.  So, if you agree with me, please sign a petition or campaign in the streets.  Especially if you're famous or influential in any way.  Because, after all, we stopped the government from privatising our forests, so surely we can do this?

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